Donation #9081

  • USD 110.51
  • Received 8 years ago

Donor's message

Hoy! My fellow Filipinos!Juan Taco here, just wanting to wish nothing but hopes and wishes. That all we do is towards our main passion and purpose, that the universe has laid out for us.that no matter what you push and fight to find what drives you to get up without an alarm clock.That you stare adversity in the face and say “Here I Am!” “What You Got?” “I’m not gonna make this easy for you!” “I’m here to stay and your either on my way or in my way!”Face your fears and weaknesses, and challenge them, but most important…Double and Triple at what your good at!Find Your Smile!You Are Only Yourself – Uniquewhatbpeopke think of you or you dreams in none of YOUR business!Happiness is only a choice!-Juan Taco or 2