Sustainable Solutions

Flops for Flips strives to help reduce excessive pollution, since we are very aware that is an important issue the country faces. Unfortunately, many flip flops are made with non-biodegradable plastics that end up washing up in the waters and lakes of the world as waste. Most people throw theirs away in the trash and replace them with new ones. This is clearly not conducive to the health of our environment. Our organization uses recycled content as we aim to be zero-waste. We work with Local Government Units (LGUs) to improve communities by re-using the material and creating new products, toys and playgrounds.


U.S. 501(c)(3)

Flops for Flips, a U.S. 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, was founded by siblings Rhea Hoffarber Krake, Babe Hoffarber and Ralph Hoffarber in January of 2011. The organization partners with children and communities among the poorest areas in the Philippines to help improve lives and combat poverty. We are committed to ending preventable diseases by raising public awareness and collecting donations to purchase flip flops (and other useful items) for impoverished Filipino youth.


Rhea, Babe and Ralph

Rhea Hoffarber Krake, Babe Hoffarber and Ralph Hoffarber (being of half Filipino descent) have visited the Philippines numerous times with their mother. On each trip they witness the suffering and injustices many people in the country endure. They’ve made it a priority in their lives to give back and help in any way. The value of social responsibility is instilled in all their efforts.


Children and Communities

We are committed to improving the quality of life and standard of living for the Philippines. Our international project has presently given thousands of flip flops to destitute villages all over the country. With your contribution, we will be one step closer in reaching a better future. All it takes is a little bit of help and a lending hand to see better results. We envision a more healthy and wealthy Philippine society—beginning with the children who will someday lead the way.


Sustainable Solutions

Our organization uses recycled content as we aim to be zero-waste.
We work with Local Government Units (LGUs) to improve communities by re-using the material and creating new products, toys and playgrounds. By working like this, and in this manner, everyone benefits. These are solutions that leave a positive impact.

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